Monday, June 5, 2017

Due Tuesday 6/6 and Monday 6/12

Due Tuesday 6/6:  attach (with tape or a gluestick/glue) the cause and effect pairings from class today onto a blank sheet of paper.  Work chronologically from top to bottom - i.e. put the first event that happened chronologically at the top of the page, and the last to happen at the bottom.  Here is the handout from class.  If you were absent, you should try to match the causes and effects together as best as you can.  You may also refer to the textbook (chapter 10 section 4) for help.

Due Monday 6/12:  choose one of the two projects described in this document.  If you need help with the events of the 1850's, refer to the textbook (chapter 10 sections 1-3).

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