Friday, June 2, 2017

due Monday 6/5 and meet in room 236 on Monday

*We will have class in room 236 on Monday. 236 is one floor down from our usual room (336) and right across the hall from the Downs House Office. Please go directly to 236 for the start of D block - do not go to 336 (there's science MCAS testing in 336 on Monday).*

Due Monday: Choose two of the following prompts below.  Answer each one on one of the sticky notes given out in class today.  Write a 3-4 sentence response.  Write your name on the back of each sticky note.
  1. Describe a time you had to compromise with someone about something, how you reached the agreement, and how you felt about it after.
  2. Describe a piece of literature that you had a strong emotional reaction to, and that stayed with you and you thought about long after reading it.
  3. Describe a time when you and your peers had to make an important decision on your own about a divisive issue (meaning that members of the group had differing opinions) without the help of adults (teachers, parents, coaches, etc.).
  4. Describe a time you defended the reputation of a friend or relative, and why you felt you had to stand up for him/her.
  5. Describe a decision made by someone of authority (in the government, or an authority figure, like a school administrator, teacher or parent) that you strongly disagreed with.
  6. Describe an action you took to publicly express your opinion about an issue you believed in strongly. 
  7. Describe a time you took a drastic action to achieve a goal you strongly believed in.

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