Thursday, October 13, 2016

due Monday 10/17 and Tuesday 10/18

Due Monday:  read the two documents given out in class Friday (The "New England Primer" and the document that begins "God Almighty in his most holy and wise providence...").  Explain three of more values of the Massachusetts Bay colony and how they are reflected in the two documents.  Make reference to specific words of phrases from both documents in your answer.  Your response should be 1 paragraph long.  Worth 10 points.

If you didn't finish copying the notes from class, you can get them by clicking on this link.

Due Tuesday:  notebook/binder check

Organize all of your materials from the year so far into a 1-1.5 inch three ring binder or other system of organization.
This counts as a 15 point homework assignment.  

I will grade you based on the following:

-Do you have all of the materials given out so far?  (handouts, notes taken in class, homework and classwork, quizzes) (5 points)

-Are the materials organized in order, from earliest (in the front) to most recent (in the back)? (5 points)

-Are all of your materials neatly organized overall (no crumpled pages, pages folded in half, etc.)? (5 points)

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