Monday, December 19, 2016

Due before break (on or before Friday 12/23)

Test corrections:
Choose any three questions you answered incorrectly on part 1 (multiple choice) or part 2 (fill in the blank).  Write a 2-3 sentence explanation of the correct answer.  You will get 1 extra point for each correction added to your final test grade.

Optional extra credit:  for an additional 2 points, choose two more questions, or re-write your answer to the short answer question.  If you choose to re-write the short answer question, be sure to include specific information in your answer.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

work for 12/5-12/12

Road to Revolution timeline project due Friday 12/9 (the description can be found by clicking this link).

Road to Revolution test is Monday 12/12 - format is a mix of objective questions (multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank) and a writing prompt (short answer, paragraph-length response).  Here is the study guide.

Here are the answers from the practice quiz given out in class on Friday. (electives survey)

Friday, December 2, 2016

due Monday 12/5

Declaration of Independence worksheet - please answer questions 1-2 ONLY and the question below:
What adjectives would you use to describe the piece of the document?  Choose 2-3 descriptive words and explain your choices by making references to or quoting from the document in your answers.