Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Test Corrections

As explained in class, you may turn in test corrections to me on Friday. If you choose to do corrections, please do the following

  1. Write out the question and correct answer
  2. In 1-2 sentences, explain why you got the question wrong and how you know that this is the correct answer
  3. If you choose to correct your essay, use examples unique to the ones included in the essay that we looked at in class today
Test corrections should be on a separate piece of paper. Do not make the corrections on the original test.

Research Paper Resources

Hey everyone!

Here are some digital versions of all the research paper related hand-outs I have given you so far. That way, if you prefer doing this online, you can.

Resource Folder

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Test on Friday

Hey Everyone.

Just to confirm for those of you who were not able to join us in class today, your test on Washington and Adams will occur this Friday. You can find links to the study guide, as well as the PowerPoint and other class materials that we have been using throughout the unit in previous blog posts. Good luck studying! I'll see you Friday.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Essay Outline

As promised, I have uploaded the essay template to Google Drive for you to use as you prepare for the test. You can access it here. I'll note that the prompt is the one that we went over in class. The question that you will need to answer for the test is about Hamilton, Jefferson, and political parties (see the study guide).

Also, one of your classmates asked if I could upload the homework calendar. I have posted it, and you may access it via this link.

If I haven't checked your book notes yet, please bring them to class tomorrow. If you have misplaced them, you can download a digital copy here.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Unit Resource Folder

Hey Everyone,

One of your classmates came by today and mentioned that it might be helpful for me to upload digital copies of the materials that we have been using throughout the unit. I've done so, and created a folder in google drive to store them. You may access the folder here.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Study Guide + Test Resources

Hey Everyone,

I've uploaded the study guide for the upcoming test to Google Drive. You can access it here.

I've also uploaded the quotes from our lesson on Hamilton v. Jefferson (access them here), and the sources on Native American Policy (access them here).

Finally, here is a link to the Powerpoint that I have been using throughout this unit. Feel free to use it as a review tool.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Test Correction Guidelines

If you want to complete test corrections for our test on American Government, make sure to follow these guidelines:

  1. Complete them on a fresh piece of lined paper, with a proper heading
  2. Write out the entire question, as well as the entire answer
  3. Turn them into me by Friday, March 10
You have the possibility of earning back 50% the points missed.